Ethical Hacking | Cyber Security

  • Credential Stuffing vs Password Spraying

    Credential Stuffing vs Password Spraying

    This ethical hacking guide explores the differences between credential stuffing and password spraying attacks along with their prevention in cyber security. What is Credential Stuffing? Credential stuffing is a type of cyber attack where attackers use lists of compromised usernames and passwords from previous data breaches to gain unauthorized access to user accounts on different…

  • Sidejacking: Attack, Example and Prevention

    Sidejacking: Attack, Example and Prevention

    This ethical hacking guide explains what sidejacking is, how session sidejacking works, an example of sidejacking attack, and its prevention in cyber security. What is Sidejacking? Sidejacking is a type of session hijacking attack that involves sniffing network traffic to find and capture session tokens, which are often transmitted insecurely. This attack uses unencrypted communications…

  • HTML Smuggling: Attack, Example and Prevention

    HTML Smuggling: Attack, Example and Prevention

    This guide explains what HTML Smuggling is, how it works, types of attacks, POC example, detection, prevention and mitigation techniques in cyber security. What is HTML Smuggling? HTML Smuggling is a technique used to bypass security mechanisms by embedding malicious payloads within HTML or JavaScript code, allowing the transfer of unauthorized files to a user’s…

  • Shellbags Analysis in Windows Forensics

    Shellbags Analysis in Windows Forensics

    This guide explains what shellbags are, their importance in Windows forensics investigations, and the shellbag analysis process with tools and case studies. What are Shellbags? Shellbags are a forensic artifact found in the Microsoft Windows operating system. They are essentially Windows Registry keys that store information about the appearance and behavior of Windows Explorer when…

  • What is Cookie Tossing?

    What is Cookie Tossing?

    The purpose of this guide is to explain what cookie tossing is, how it works, provide an example demonstrating the attack, and outline preventive measures to mitigate its risks in cybersecurity. What is Cookie Tossing? Cookie tossing is a cyberattack technique that exploits vulnerabilities in the way cookies work within a domain and its subdomains…

  • Magecart Attack: Types, Examples and Prevention

    Magecart Attack: Types, Examples and Prevention

    This guide provides an overview of the Magecart attack, including its types, how it works, real-world examples, and prevention methods in cyber security. What is Magecart? Magecart is a term used to describe a variety of cybercriminal groups that specialize in stealing digital credit cards by skimming data during online transactions. The name “Magecart” originates…